Our full-service consignment process includes everything from pricing and storage to photography and shipping. Payments are conveniently made once a month using bank transfers after a successful sale. Earn up to 70% on luxury handbags and 60% on clothing and shoes. We're more than happy to accept items that are 1-3 seasons old, from both acclaimed superbrands and top-notch contemporary brands.
Consign your luxury fashion, make space in your closet and earn money through our VIP Service!
How it works...
Contact us
Send us pictures of items you want to sell via WhatsApp. We'll promptly respond with our selections. You can then deliver these items to our store at 171-175 Draycott Avenue, London, SW3 3AJ, from Monday to Friday from 11am-6.30pm.
Pricing and listing
Within 5 working days, your items will be priced and ready for your approval. After that, it's all hands on deck from our team. We'll authenticate, photograph, and list all your items. No need to lift a finger, we have it all under control. We'll display your items for buyers around the globe on our website and even in our charming Chelsea store. Just sit back and watch as we make the magic happen.
Get paid
Once your items sell, you get paid. We give you up to 60% commission on clothing and shoes and up to 70% on handbags and jewellery. Payments are made once a month via bank transfer or PayPal.
Please note that we no longer offer our Club Loop service for reselling items previously purchased with Loop Generation.
Commission scheme
AGREED SELLING PRICE | BELOW £99 | £100-£1,999 | £2,000-£4,999 | ABOVE £5,000 |
YOUR EARNING | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80% |
OUR COMMISSION | 50% + VAT | 40% + VAT | 30% + VAT | 20% + VAT |